Joe Rossiter writes that Wales’ next First Minister will need to act boldly in the face of systemic challenges, following the announcement of a budget shortfall
Reforming the Union
Glyndwr Cennydd Jones puts forward a blueprint to reform UK institutions and address the asymmetry of the union.
What does the end of bridging accommodation mean for Afghan refugees?
Helen White shares her concerns about the closing of temporary accommodation for Afghan refugees in Wales.
Read, Debate, and Organise: The Radical Reading Rooms of Wales
Nirushan Sudarsan and Amira Hayat make the case for why they want a ‘Radical Reading Room’ in every pocket of Wales.
25 Years of Devolution for Wales
On the 25th anniversary of the Government of Wales Act, Sir Paul Silk, one of the architects of devolution in Wales, looks back at its history.
NHS at 75: We need a national conversation
Any major anniversary is a time of anticipation, celebration and reflection. 5 July, 2023, the 75th anniversary of the National
Agroecology in Action: the Land of our Future
Ruth Lawrence highlights how Welsh agricultural policy can help to support a sustainable, agroecological future for Welsh farming.
Beauty Queens and Identity Politics: Exploring what it means to be Welsh today
Rhia Danis interviews Mohima Hussain about her experience of racism as a finalist of the Miss Wales Pageant 2023.
Increased investment in vocational and technical education vital for a sustainable and more equal Wales
David Hagendyk argues that sustained investment in vocational and technical education in Wales is more important than ever for a sustainable and more equal Wales.