Phil Parry emphasises the importance of the Freedom of Information Act.
Wales – Country or Colony?
T N D Anderson argues that independence is the only remedy for economic marginalisation
Welsh regions have to look to their own assets
Geraint Talfan Davies takes issues with Simon Brooks’ notion that Wales is becoming a city state
Is Wales a Nation or a City-State?
Simon Brooks bemoans the centralisation of Wales in Cardiff.
Prevention: Still better than a cure
Oliver Townsend outlines new evidence that backs investment in preventative health and social care measures.
BBC: Wales to Wales? Or Wales to the UK?
Angela Graham reviews Tony Hall’s recent speech in Cardiff about the future of the BBC.
Health professionals raise issues over Welsh drugs
Dr Richard Greville looks at a recent survey asking consultants for their view of drugs availability in Wales.
Only the BBC…
Speech by Tony Hall, Director-General of the BBC, at the Cardiff Business Club on 23 November 2015.
Dropping bombs won’t rid us of Islamic State
Bethan Jenkins outlines some of the issues that parties will need to consider ahead of any discussion of air strikes against ‘Islamic State’.