Andy Bevan reviews ‘Nye: The Political Life of Aneurin Bevan’ by Nicklaus Thomas-Symonds
A sympathetic portrait
Francesca Rhydderch reviews ‘Esmé: Guardian of Snowdonia’ by Teleri Bevan
BBC needs to follow-through on its warm words
What does the BBC’s statement on its future say about Wales? Not a lot, says IWA Director Lee Waters
Education – a report card
Dr Julian Skyrme reviews ‘A Class Apart: Learning the Lessons of Education in Post-Devolution Wales’ by Gareth Evans
An energy policy for future generations?
David Clubb says Wales must defend itself from the UK Government’s energy policy.
Articulating a Welsh multiculturalism
Huw Williams reviews ‘Wales Unchained’ by Daniel G. Williams.
One chance with children’s education
Philip Dixon says Schools Challenge Cymru could take us from ‘talking’ to ‘achieving’ when it comes to narrowing the gap between rich and poor children.
Schools Challenge Cymru: a progress report
Mel Ainscow says Schools Challenge Cymru must demonstrate that the Welsh approach can foster excellence and equity.
Chasing Rainbows
Plaid are right to rule out a coalition with the Tories, but for the wrong reasons, says Daran Hill