Jess Blair profiles the IWA’s new Senedd Paper ‘Good Food for All’.
The future shape of local Government
Mike Hedges outlines the options he believes are viable for a reform of local government.
Re-organising Welsh councils
Phil Parry says 22 councils are inhibiting the delivery of services.
City Regions in Wales: Progress, or not?
Dr Elizabeth Haywod says we can’t shy away from the tough decisions to be made on city regions.
Local government – a wasted decade and a half
Geraint Talfan Davies charts the slow progress on reforming our councils
Passport to a New Country
Dylan Moore makes the case for a national reading and writing revival
Digital Innovation for the Right Reasons
Mark Donovan says a digital project has helped identify those most in need of public services.
The ‘In’ campaign
Derek Vaughan says an ‘In’ campaign for Europe must make emotional arguments, not just those around the economy.
Last Brexit to the Valleys
Gareth Williams looks at UKIP’s recent valley’s insurgencies.