Tim Williams says today’s Wales needs a contemporary welfare system.
Deep Place Study sets to tackle poverty
Professor Dave Adamson and Dr Mark Lang outline their Deep Place approach to sustainable communities.
Simplicity will be mantra of the new Wales
Jan Morris imagines the country as it might be in a hundred years from now
Raymond Williams’ ‘long revolution’
Derek Tatton surveys the broadening landscape of thought and practice we owe to a Welsh European from the borders
Mobilising the past for today’s politics
Paul O’Leary reflects on how anniversaries are being used to promote British integration and disintegration in 2014
The clash of past with present memories
Paul O’Leary discusses competitive interpretations of how we frame understandings of our history
Nuffield Trust report exposes Tory lies on Wales NHS
Tony Beddow says English Ministers attacks on Welsh health delivery are concealing their own shortcomings
How public procurement can boost the economy
Hamish Sandison says Welsh Government is an exemplar of best practice in promoting the power of purchase
Wales should lead on Africa abuse
Steve Brooks argues that we need stronger ties with Uganda to promote equality and human rights