March 2009: Welsh MPs: Skills and strong Welsh brand key in global economy – Engage with science – Cameron visits south Wales – Wales could go nuclear.
Broadcasting Smoke and Mirrors
Euryn Ogwen Williams says Wales is entitled to £30m from the BBC’s digital switch-over fund to kick start English language programming:
Rugby unites the nation
John Osmond discovers that appreciation of the national game is the strongest experience uniting the people of Wales:
Bring the Bank of Wales home
The ‘Bank of Wales’ title should be reclaimed, according to Geraint Talfan Davies:
The language again
Peter Finch considers the Welsh Language LCO currently in progress:
Assembly Bwletin Cynulliad February 2009
February 2009: 9romotions all round, but nothing for Dafydd Wigley – Bid for new housing powers: the Assembly’s bid for further powers over housing – Welsh ambulances fail to meet targets again: a North-South divide revealed – Severn tidal power schemes: Energy Minister unveils possibilities.
Welsh air ambulances
Rhodri Davies introduces the Wales Air Ambulance service:
Funding Welsh higher education
Prof. James Foreman-Peck, Cardiff Business School, on funding Welsh higher education:
Couldn’t give an LCO
Lee Waters says the commitment that civil society would be given a real chance to influence National Assembly legislation was a hollow promise: