Merlin Gable explores the legacy of Raymond Williams’s radical vision for our society – and asks what we should remember him for.
How Wales Can Lead the Way on Animal Welfare
Billie-Jade Thomas from RSPCA Cymru explains how the upcoming Members Ballot can pave the way for Wales to be a leader on animal welfare.
Highlight on the UBI Debate (Part 2): The Welsh Government’s Pilot Risks Missing the Point of UBI
Dr John Ball argues that the proposed Basic Income Pilot is based on a flawed understanding of UBI that distorts its purpose.
The Climate Emergency: How Pharmacy Can Make a Difference
Elen Jones, Director of the Royal Pharmaceutical Society in Wales, explains how the pharmacy industry can fight climate change.
Highlight on the UBI Debate (Part 1): The Case for a Care Leavers Plus Pilot
In response to Harry Thompson’s piece on the Basic Income Pilot, Jonathan Rhys Williams, co-founder of UBI Lab Wales, champions a wider-ranging Care Leavers Plus pilot.
Which Way is Welsh?
Dylan Moore says to improve public discourse, we need to rediscover our moral compass
Review: The Welsh Way: Essays on Neoliberalism and Devolution
Dylan Moore shares his thoughts on The Welsh Way, a new anthology of essays decrying the hold of neoliberal values in the Welsh public sphere.
What Wales Could Do with a Community Food Strategy
Jane Powell explores the benefits of a comprehensive community food strategy that would consider land use for Wales.
Student Mental Health : A Hidden Pandemic
Tade Evans depicts the harrowing impact of the disruptions caused by the pandemic on mental health for A-Level students in Wales.