Deian Hopkin charts the life of the late Lord Elystan-Morgan, prominent campaigner for devolution and one of the giants of the Welsh political sphere.
Solving the Senedd’s Engagement Problem
Andrew RT Davies argues that the Senedd must do more to appeal to the average (non) voter and offers specific reforms to the Senedd’s business.
Wales’ Vaccine Success: A Snapshot from Primary Care
Dr Tom Kneale gives an insider view of how GPs in Wales have dealt with the pressures of the pandemic, the vaccination programme and new technology.
Reforming Social Care in Wales
Dr Alison Tarrant argues that a re-think of adult social care shouldn’t solely focus on funding – it needs to look again at its fundamental purpose.
Book Review: Easy Meat
Polly Winn reviews Rachel Trezise’s ‘Easy Meat’ (Parthian), a day in the life of a typical Valleys boy on 23 June 2016 – when the UK voted to leave the EU.
Getting Started in… Journalism
Hannah Watkin talks to young journalists about how the pandemic has affected their careers and lives.
Universal Basic Income: Do It Right Or Don’t Do It At All
Dr John Ball argues that – without major changes – the Welsh Government’s proposed Universal Basic Income falls at the first hurdle.
How to Rebuild a Local Food Economy
Duncan Fisher details the hopes and challenges of a new project to bring back small-scale sustainable farming that keeps profit in Welsh communities. Will it work?
Taking the Lead on Tackling Race Inequality
Manon Roberts compares and contrasts the Welsh and UK Governments different approaches to combating structural racism.