Following her eco-dystopian reflection on the prisons of the future, Heledd Melangell explores whether transformative models and the restorative laws of Hywel Dda could inform our approach to the Welsh justice system and prisons by the year 2100.
The craft of co-production: six lessons from the development of the Ely and Caerau community plan
Martin Kitchener and Panayiota Georgiou reflect on the lessons learnt from the development of the Ely and Caerau Community Plan.
Building a confident Cymru
Cassy Taylor explains the work of designing an inclusive suite of National Qualifications for 14- to 16-year-olds.
Restoring Biodiversity in Wales
Farming has the greatest potential to restore nature in Wales – but only if farmers receive the right support.
Imagining Wales in 2100: Prison 2100: A Mega Prisons Eco-dystopia
Heledd Melangell imagines a future where the carceral system has continued to expand at its current pace.
Imagining Wales’ future constituencies
Shereen Williams, chief executive of the Democracy and Boundary Commission Cymru, introduces the Commission’s work and explains how people across Wales can be involved.
Imagining Wales in 2100: Towards a safe food system
Duncan Fisher argues that a decentralised approach to our food systems can reduce carbon pollution and combat food insecurity.
Andrew RT Davies MS: ‘People want an alternative’
Andrew RT Davies MS introduces the Welsh Conservatives’ pledges to the nation.
Celebrating and nurturing the co-operative economy in Wales
Bethan Webber, CEO of Cwmpas, praises the contributions of the co-operative movement in Wales.